MyDNS.JP is a Free Dynamic DNS(DDNS) that anyone can easily use. It can be used for various purposes such as Home Servers, Office Servers, WEBCAM and VPS.
Whether you use the Free Sub-Domain provided by MyDNS.JP, or Original domain that you already have. And IPv4 address(A) and the IPv6 address(AAAA) or both, And Hostname that use a Wildcard(*) or Anyname(tokyo, newyork, amsterdam), Or forward only emails to Google Works etc etc...
The basic usage fee for dynamic DNS is FREE!
Usage is very simple. You notifire IP Address to MyDNS.JP from such as a HomeServer, by POP3 and IMAP4, FTP, also using the DiCE such as HTTP-BASIC and, GnuDIP.
Please be regularly notifie!And, You can also set your IP address directly from the web page to check if the IP address notification is successful.
2025/02/09 22:00:02 UTC, Now active 32,607 users and 25,157 domains. IPv6 ready 7,176 domains! (28,044 domains are in DataBase)
How do your Machine actually access the server for the WEB and e-mail that you casually use?
For example, You will try to access the homepage https://www.MyDNS.JP/. Your machine makes a request to DNS. "Please tell me the IP address of"
DNS looks up the upper DNS from the domain. Eventually, you will find the primary name server for that domain... DNS replied. "That is"
Dynamic DNS can change this IP address at any time and immediately! But, Please be regularly notifie!
We are pleased to announce that we have been approved for inclusion on the Public Suffix List(PSL), which has been a long-standing issue related to the free subdomains we offer.
This approval will improve "Cookies," "Adsense," "Mail," and many other aspects for everyone who uses our subdomain.
However, the effect of being on the PSL depends on how quickly the various services that reference this list are updated with new information.
You may need to wait a few months or even a year before you see the effect.
More than 20 years after launching this service to the public, we have registered "MyDNS®" in Japan.
We look forward to working with you in the future.
Hello Admin! We did Server Software Version UP!
AlmaLinux 9
Kernel Ver.6
Nginx 1.24
PHP 8.3
Have a nice Internet life! :-)
You can notify the IP address in various ways. That is the feature of MyDNS.JP.
For example...
Let's JOIN US, And LOG IN. Do setting up Domain Info and notify your IP Address. For your Server!
CAUTION! Please be careful not to lose MasterID and Password!
Please input your information.
* Input Required.
Please choose Free Sub Domain of MyDNS.JP, or input your Original Domain.
ex:,,, etc ...
Do not forgot to set NS(Name Server) records at Registrar, if you want to use your Original Domain.
If you need separate other global IP address for sub domains, you add Child IDs after LOG IN.
ex: MasterID =, ChildIDs =,,
You have to set DNS Records.
SOA and NS, SPF records are automatic setup by MyDNS.JP.
You have to notify your IP Address.
You can notify the IP address in various ways. That is the feature of MyDNS.JP.
If you have IPv4/v6 DUAL STACK line, you have to notify each IP address to and
You cannot actually send an email. Mail Check = IP address notification.
You cannot actually FTP connect. Connection attempt = IP address notification.
Both IPV4ADDR and IPV6ADDR, or either IPV4ADDR or IPV6ADDR.
ex: http(s)://
How to check IP address notification.
To check if your IP address has been notified correctly, set the default value ( or 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0) in IP ADDR DIRECT and then notify the IP address. If MyDNS.JP has properly received the notification, you should be able to check this in LOG INFO .
OK! Setting Completed.
You have to set a router (NAT, Port Forward), and filter, daemon on server.
MyDNS.JP will keep your DNS information between ONE WEEK sinse last IP address notify or last login. After over ONE WEEK, MyDNS.JP notify to you by Email and WEB.
If you will continue same state (=never notification or login) for over ONE MONTH or more, MyDNS.JP will delete your information from Database. Sorry. :-)
Please make sure your server will be sufficiently secure against Hacking or Attack, Virus
Good Luck!
Easy to set up! :-)
STEP.1 Add Account
STEP.2 Select Internet Mail
STEP.3 Input MasterID, Password, Servers...
STEP.5 Change Account Setting
STEP.6 Change to Every 15 min.
STEP.1 Make Notification Shell Script.
STEP.2 Change mode and Execute!
Did you find "Login and IP address notify OK" or "login status=1"?!
STEP.3 Add setting to cron.
OK? :-)
Thanks for your Donation! :-)